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The use of psychotropic drugs in adults with an intellectual disability is frequent, often for defiant conduct due to the lack of a diagnosis of a mental disorder. Previous research has questioned the efficacy of such treatments in the absence of a psychiatric illness, and the stress has been on the side effects. The objective of this research is to analyze the use of psychotropic drugs based on the diagnosis of mental illness and behavioral disorders, as well as the distribution of the sample according to the use of psychotropic drugs in 569 adults with an intellectual disability who also suffer a mental illness and/or defiant conduct.
Our data about the high prescription of psychotropic drugs and especially antipsychotics, warns of the need for a profound review of the clinical practice that would allow a reduction in the use of psychotropic drugs in the treatment of mental disorders and behaviour in the said collective, so as to guarantee quality mental health care for these persons and respect
for their rights.
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