How to Cite
Barrero Rivera, F., & Mejía Vélez, B. S. (2005). Interpretation of a female mathematics teacher pedagogical practice. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, (14), 87–96. Retrieved from

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The purpose of this study was to describe the pedagogical practice of a female mathematics teacher of psychology faculty at Catholic University of Colombia. A class-room served for the micro-ethnographic investigation was carried out. The interpretative interest that characterized this investigation had an essential phenomenological connotation, whilst it occupied of devealing styles, patterns and other inherent aspects refered to academic practice. The hermeneutic focus that had this study allowed to characterize de teacher´s pedagogical practice, as well as the strategies and proceeding used by academic actors in order to understand through intersubjectivity the communicative interchange, the various forms of interaction between teacher-student. For that, the study posed the following categories: 1. Pedagogical practice of university teaching. 2. Teacher-student interaction influenced by the class-room environment. 3. Teacher´s discursive hegemony as a teacher students communicative actuation. The study finally concluded that pedagogical patterns are not enough for explaining pedagogical practice. It also suggests that when flexibilizing models and making conscious about pedagogical practice complexity, teachers may become research workers of their own practice.



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