How to Cite
Londoño Pérez, C., & Valencia Lara, S. C. (2005). La investigación en el proceso de soporte empírico de las terapias : alcances y limitaciones. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, (13), 163–181. Retrieved from

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This article examine the recent literature about Empirically Validated Therapies, also called evidence-based practice, and attempt summarize the very important topics around research in clinic psychology. The Empirically Supported Therapies are used in order to strengthen the therapeutic action and to improve the positioning of the profession and psychological discipline, to increase the trust in the clinical psychology on the part of the potential and actual users and to foment its extended use between people and groups with emotional and/or behavioral difficulties that require help. In the discussion, aspects like the manualization, the integration of the investigation with the profession, the diffusion of the investigative advances, the control of variables, the comparability among studies, the evaluation of the components of the treatment, the type of measures used in the investigation, the training of therapists and ethical aspects are discussed.



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