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The study of interpersonal trust is crucial for human psychological development. It has been observed that it enhances moral and prosocial behavior during childhood, as well as friendship bonds, social competence, experience of positive emotions and
academic performance, among others. This research aimed to adapt and validate the Cross-Cultural Children Trust Beliefs Scale (ccctbs), to assess this construct in the Argentine population. The sample included 348 children (51.2 % female; 48.8 % male) aged 8 to 12 years (m = 10.58; sd = 1.31), who completed the ccctbs and an attachment scale. A version, conceptually and semantically equivalent to the original was obtained, with good psychometric properties. The Argentine scale retains the same number of items and replicates the starting operational model, consisting of three main bases of trust: reliability (α = .76; ω = .80), emotional trust (α = .72; ω = .78) and honesty (α = .78; ω = .83). The ccctbs scores correlated positively and significantly with the secure attachment measure, providing evidence of its nomological validity.
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