How to Cite
Ferraz, A. S., Aparecida Angeli dos Santos, A., Porto Noronha, A. P., & S. Almeida, L. (2024). Multidimensional Self-Regulation Battery for Reading Comprehension: Preliminary Evidence for Criterion Validity. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, 27(2), 169–188.
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the validity based on relationships with other variables of the Self-Regulation for Reading Comprehension Multidimensional Battery (BAMA-RC). This study was developed quantitatively, with a cross-sectional and correlational design. Participants were 182 middle school students from Brazil. Nine BAMA-RC scales and a Cloze test were used to assess reading comprehension. The data were analyzed using statistics that evaluate relationships between variables (correlation, linear regression, chi-square test, Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney). The results identified preliminary evidence of criterion validity, confirming the hypotheses of relationships between the dimensions of self-regulation for learning and reading comprehension. These findings encourage new studies to extend the psychometric properties of the BAMA-RC.



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