How to Cite
Sanabria Ferrand, P. A. (2004). Características psicológicas de consumidores de cibersexo : una aproximación. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, (12), 19–38. Retrieved from

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The aim of the current research was to identify the psychological characteristics of Cybersex consumers. A correlational descriptive design was conducted with a view to evaluating both demographic and psychological aspects. The inquiry comprised 109 questions targeted at 200 respondents through the Internet. The final results according to the given indicators show that consumers of Cybersex predominantly tend to be young men (aged 20 to 39), bachelors, most of them university students or professionals, heterosexuals, who are in a steady sexual relationship. When it comes to consuming Cybersex, the users prefer the chat to Web pages, and they do it regularly with an average of 2, 2 times per week. Such people are accustomed to changing their identity, physical appearance, sex and age when surfing the Internet. On average, a few more than half the respondents (consumers) declared themselves addicted to Cybersex. They didn’t show sexual dissatisfaction but they did report low selfconcept. Half the respondents' results demonstrated moderate scores in relation to the indicators of depression and anxiety


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