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Pérez Acosta, A. M., & Benjumea Rodríguez, S. (2003). Adquisición y prueba de transferencia de la autodiscriminación condicional en palomas. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, (10), 45–71. Retrieved from

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The goal of this study is to add evidence of transfer of conditional self-discrimination (a behaviorist version of self-awareness) in animals, only demonstrated in dolphins and human verbal adults. In a series of three experiments, with pigeons as subjects, acquisition and transfer of conditional self-discrimination were tested. Adaptations of matching-tosample procedure were used, whose sample is some dimension of the animal’s own behavior (spatial orientation, frequency or emision) and comparison is a couple of visual stimulus, each one arbitrarily related with one value of such behavioral dimension (for example “respond to the left” vs. “respond to the right”; “respond many times vs. respond few times”; “respond vs. no respond”). Next, transfer tests of self-discriminations were carry out as choice situations. It was hypothesized that trained subjects would reach a better performance in the choice than non-trained subjects and pseudo-trained subject. Results support the hypothesis of self-awareness as not restricted to human verbal autoclitics insofar as conditional self-discrimination would transfer to situations different to training.



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