How to Cite
Morales Quintero, L. A. (2001). Adaptación y validación de un cuestionario de observación ambiental para la realización del análisis espacial y ambiental del delito de homicidio en Bogotá (pilotaje). Acta Colombiana De Psicología, (6), 9–27. Retrieved from

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This is the first phase of the validation and adaptation of the questionnaire of environmen­tal observation for the space and environmental analysis of the homicide in Bogotá. This work was made base on the Environmental Observation Inventory (Meeks, Perkins & Taylor, 1992), the homicide, the relations between environment and crime, which were the ele­ments that account for the initial observation instrument. For the pilot study it was se­lected Kennedy (non-probabilistic sample) area and 20 places inside with bodies of homi­cide victims. The level of reliability between observers was 0.95. The instrument has 76 items in four scales of environmental observation, mess, territoriality, activity routine and defensible space.




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