How to Cite
Briñez Horta, J. A. (2000). Efectos fetales del alcohol, sobre la ejecución sensoperceptual, en escolares entre 7-15 años de edad. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, (4), 35–47. Retrieved from

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The purpose of this research project was to examine some perceptual disabilities associ­ated with Fetal Alcohol Effects. Twenty-six children, 7 to 15 years old, 13 sons and 13 daughters of mothers who drank alcohol during their pregnancy, were evaluated on re­sponses from tactile and visual perception and compared with other twenty-six children of mothers who did not drink during. A 2 * 2 * 2 cases and controls design was used to evaluate the responses of the children in terms of odds ratios or univariate logistic regres­sions. Analyses revealed deleterious effects of prenatal alcohol consumption on tactile discrimination, haptic recognition, drawings characteristics relations? recognition, block design and depth perception. Fetal alcohol exposure is associated with perceptual disabili­ties and, therefore, with developmental and academic difficulties through school years. Psychologists and educators should understand the long-term effects of prenatal alcohol exposure on behavioral and cognitive processes.


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