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Flórez Alarcón, L. (2000). Análisis del consumo de alcohol, con fundamento en el modelo transteórico, en estudiantes universitarios. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, (4), 79–98. Retrieved from

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This research was made based on the application of an instrument to evaluate the present condition and how to change alcoholic comsumption habits (CEMA) with a sample of 488 university students proceeding from Social and Human Sciences, Engineering and Archi­tecture in private universities, most of them located in the Chapinero neighborhood of Bogotá. Among the socio-demographic aspects evaluated by CEMA, there were of special interest the sex and location of the student, within a given initial (1 to ó) or final (7st to 11*) semester of the career, with such variables interacting with other scale points, such as motivation and decisional balances. In general, men reach higher scales than women, in all of the areas, and students in the lower grades tend to show a significant higher number of points than those in the more advanced semesters. Type was the most important of the consumption characteristics, leading us to classify the subjects as weak, medium or strong consumers. CEMA evaluated the presence of the decision for a change and how strong such decisions were. On the other hand, this evaluation allowed us to classify the students under any of the stages of the transtheoretical model (TTM), based on the subject's pro­posed transitoriness to set in motion his/her move towards consumption reduction. Most students fell under the pre-contemplation and contemplation stages, while the minority of them fell under the preparation stage. It was found that decisional balances, as well as the strength of the change decisions, vary significantly with the TTM stage where the subject is classified. Some interactions among the abuse, readiness to change, consumption temp­tation, importance given to consumption and self-efficacy are analyzed and evaluated by CEMA, along with other variables such as the subject's decisional balances, consumption type, sex and semester.


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