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Reyna, C., & Brussino, S. (2015). Age and gender differences in social behavior, temperament and emotional regulation among argentinean children. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, 18(2), 51–64.

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The purpose of this study was to assess the differences in terms of age, gender and socioeconomic background in social behavior (social skills and behavior problems), focused attention, inhibitory control, positive and negative emotionality and regulation of positive and negative emotions in Argentinean children aged 3, 5 and 7 years. A developmental cross-sectional study was carried out where the parents and teachers of 623 children participated. Parents reported on socio-demographic issues, children’s temperament and emotional processes, while teachers provided information on children’s social behavior. Comparisons between groups were conducted by analysis of variance. The most marked differences were attributed, firstly, to children’s age, and secondly, to gender. Overall, the children aged three showed a lower performance than the other groups, but development was not linear on all the processes, as the children aged five showed a similar or better performance than the children aged seven when considering several variables.



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