How to Cite
Rea Amaya, A. C., Acle Tomasini, G., Ampudia Rueda, A., & García Mendez, M. (2014). Characterization of the knowledge of mothers concerning their children´s disability and the relation with the family dynamics. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, 17(1), 91–103.

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The purpose of this study is to enquire about the knowledge, as well as about the family and community dynamics of mothers of children with disabilities, as a basis to implement intervention programs. Participants were 42 mothers aged between 19 and 49 years (M= 31.14) who attended a Children´s Rehabilitation Center belonging to the National Defense Secretariat in Mexico [SEDENA, for its Spanish acronym]. Semi-structured interviews were used to assess the mother’s knowledge on the disability of the child and the family and community dynamics. Mothers reported receiving no training on how to treat their children, though they considered the importance of acquiring expertise to understand and treat the child. Mothers who do not have the necessary knowledge about their child’s disability are not able to understand or accept the child’s condition, leading to a denial of the problem, dissatisfaction, guilt and depression. It was noted in the study that proper preparation of the mother after the birth of her child, in terms of the disability can provide a better interaction and functioning of these families.



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