How to Cite
Durán Gamba, M. G., & Castañeda Zapata, D. I. (2015). Relationship between transformational and transactional leadership and the sharing of knowledge in two service organizations. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, 18(1), 135–147.

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The purpose of this paper was to study the relationship between transformational and transactional leadership and the sharing of knowledge. A descriptive correlational design with regression analysis and a casual sampling method were used. The sample comprised 150 employees from two companies in the city of Bogotá, .D.C., Colombia, of which 14 were leaders and 136 were collaborators. Instruments used were the Multi-factor Leadership Questionnaire developed by Bass and Avolio (2000) and adapted by Vega & Zavala (2004), and the Escala de Compartir Conocimiento [Sharing Knowledge Scale] developed by Castañeda (2010). Statistical analysis was performed with IBM-SPSS STATISTIC 20.0. Among leaders it was found that 43% of them are characterized by a low effectiveness leadership (low transformational and transactional) and 40% of them show a full range leadership (high transformational and transactional). Among collaborators, sharing of knowledge scored between 4.3 and 5.4 /6.0; sharing experiences and ideas stand out and to a lesser level, sharing documents and knowledge. Among leaders, transactional leadership significantly correlated (r=0.63; p=0.01) with sharing of knowledge but this behavior did not correlate with the transformational style (r=0.39; p=0.084); while among collaborators, transformational and transactional

leadership showed a significant relationship with sharing of knowledge (r=0.29; p<0.001; r=0.26; p=0.001, respectively). It was concluded that from the perspective of the leaders, there is a relationship between transactional leadership and the behavior of sharing knowledge, and that rewards play an important role. Among leaders, the relationship between transformational leadership and sharing of knowledge was not confirmed, but it was confirmed in collaborators. Organizational culture is suggested as a mediating variable in the relationship between transformational leadership and the sharing of knowledge. Key words: transformational leadership, transactional leadership, sharing of knowledge, knowledge management><0.001; r=0.26; p=0.001, respectively). It was concluded that from the perspective of the leaders, there is a relationship between transactional leadership and the behavior of sharing knowledge, and that rewards play an important role. Among leaders, the relationship between transformational leadership and sharing of knowledge was not confirmed, but it was confirmed in collaborators. Organizational culture is suggested as a mediating variable in the relationship between transformational leadership and the sharing of knowledge.



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