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García Méndez, M., Rivera Aragón, S., & Reyes Lagunes, I. (2014). Parents’ perception about child rearing. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, 17(2), 133–141.

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The aim of the study was to develop a scale to assess parenting styles used by mothers and fathers. The sample was nonprobabilistic and consisted of 790 participants, 350 mothers and 440 fathers of the city of Mexico, with an average age of 36.34 years. The age of the children ranged from 6 to 12 years. A Likert scale with six response options (strongly disagree-strongly agree) was developed. Participants responded the scale in a voluntary manner. After performing the psychometric analysis of the items (bias, total item correlation, Student’s t test for extreme groups, factorial analysis of main components with orthogonal rotation, Cronbach’s alpha) the scale was composed of 24 items divided into five factors: punishment, permissive, negative emotional, behavioral control, and negative cognition. It was concluded that a valid and reliable scale was obtained for assessing parenting styles used by mothers and fathers.



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