How to Cite
Rugerio Tapia, J. P., & Guevara Benítez, Y. (2013). Development of maternal skills to implement early literacy with preschool children. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, 16(1), 81–90. Retrieved from

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The aim of this study was to test the effectiveness of a behavioral program aimed to mothers from low socio-cultural background in order to train them in conducting activities and strategies to promote language and pre-academic skills related to early literacy in their preschool children. The program was carried out focusing on two interactive contexts: joint reading of stories and puppet play. 20 women participated, with limited literacy practices whose preschool children showed low levels in pre-academic and linguistic skills. 10 mothers formed the experimental group, receiving the intervention program and 10 served as control group. There were three testing sessions (pretest, post-test and follow-up) and seven intervention sessions. The program was implemented in a group mode and it used techniques such as oral presentation, group discussion, modeling, role playing, feedback and reinforced practice. Results showed that the program was effective in developing some of the literacy practices in mothers. The main effects were observed in the interactive context of joint reading of stories. The results and limitations of the study are discussed and some recommendations are given for future programs.



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