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Avendaño Prieto, B. L. ., & Betancort Montesinos, M. (2021). Design and psychometric analysis of an instrument to assess jealousy. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, 24(1), 19–31.

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The objective of this research was to design and analyze the psychometric properties of CECLA, an instrument to evaluate jealousy. The test was carried out based on the answers to the interviews applied to a clinical sample, which coincided with the theoretical approaches from a pathological perspective. For this purpose, an instrumental research was carried out in which a sample of 1218 people answered the test, of which eight made up the clinical sample, 408 participated in the pilot test, and 802 in the final test. The participants were men and women between the ages of 18 and 71, of different marital status, sexual orientation, socioeconomic and educational level, occupation and region of Colombia. Twelve experts, eight clinical psychologists and four methodologists participated in the validation of the content. In short, the instrument was made up of 19 items that evaluate three kinds of jealousy: passionate, obsessive and delusional. Internal consistency, evidence of validity using exploratory and confirmatory factorial analysis, temporal stability, convergent validity, items adjustment to Rasch's model and equivalence of these indicators under the two models analyzed indicate that CECLA is a valid, reliable and useful instrument for the objective and context for which it was elaborated.



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