How to Cite
Bernardino Coronado, L. J. ., Alvarez Rayón, G. ., Bautista Díaz, M. L. ., Ortega Luyando , M. ., Mancilla Díaz, J. M. ., & Amaya Hernández, A. . (2020). Body dissatisfaction and quality of life : contribution to the occurrence of anomalous eating behaviors in administrative personnel in hospitals. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, 23(1), 28–52.

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The purpose of this study involved assessing the predictive capacity of the body mass index (BMI), body image, positive and negative affect, attitudes toward obese individuals and quality of life (QL) related to the anomalous eating behaviors of administrative personnel of Mexico City’s health sector; aside from knowing gender differences and BMI in study variables. A total of 181 administrative employees took part in the study, divided according to their BMI (normal weight, overweight, obese) who filled out a personal data sheet and self-report questionnaires. Findings of this study indicate that body dissatisfaction, along with the perception of vitality and physical wellbeing may partially explain the presence of the anomalous eating behaviors that promotes excessive weight gain. Additionally, significant differences in positive affect were observed between sexes, aside from differences between the obese and normal weight groups regarding body dissatisfaction, negative affect, physical performance, physical role and social performance.



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