How to Cite
Toscano del Cairo, C. A. ., Vesga Rodríguez, J. J. ., & Avendaño Prieto, B. L. . (2020). Quality of life at work and its relationship with engagement. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, 23(1), 128–146.

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In order to explore the functional relationship between Engagement and Quality of Life at Work, an associative research strategy was used. 221 employees of a higher education organization in Colombia participated, who voluntarily agreed to be part of the study. To evaluate the quality of life at work, the instrument "Profile of Quality of Work Life" developed by Gómez (2010) was applied, which consists of 39 items that evaluate 8 dimensions of this construct. To evaluate the variable Engagement, the adaptation made by Ospina and Delgado-Abella (2014) of the UWES - Utrecht Work Engagement Scale developed by Schaufeli and Bakker (2004) was used, which consists of 17 items that evaluate three dimensions: vigor, dedication and absorption. There was a significant association between the study variables. The relationship and the adjustment are presented in a model of structural equations. Evidence was found about the dimensions of the QWL that contribute most in the configuration of this variable, and the differences by sex in the punctuations of the research variables.



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