How to Cite
Hernández Pozo, M. del R., Calleja Bello, N., Sánchez Velasco, A., Coronado Álvarez, O., Macías Martínez, D., & Cerezo Reséndiz, S. (2009). Validation of a fear checklist in mexican population. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, 12(1), 135–150. Retrieved from

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Fear is an emotional response to negative challenge; as a dispositional event it affects the probability of behavior and it might have consequences for the physical and psychological health of the individual. Lang (1970) theoretical approach to the study of fear holds the notion that fear reactions belong to a triple system involving physiological arousal, subjective reactivity and behavioral avoidance, and that these components interact in a flexible manner (Rachman, 2004). The purpose of this study was to validate a Fear Checklist written in Spanish, with 31 terms related to topics potentially fear evoking. Participants were 605 people whose ages ranged from 14 to 60 years. Their task consisted of assigning a score from 0 to 5 to each term, according to the degree of fear associated with each word. An item analysis was carried out which resulted in the discharge of three items. The remaining 28 items were subjected to factor analysis and led to four factors with loadings above .44, thus explaining 68% of the total variance, with a reliability index of .967. Resulting fear factors were affective loss, becoming a victim of non-contingent events, vulnerability and death. Women got higher scores in all subscales, with the exception of death. The study concluded that the Fears’ Checklist is an instrument easy to comprehend and to apply that could be potentially useful for exploring fears in the Spanish speaking population.



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