How to Cite
Miranda Rodríguez, R. A., & García Méndez, M. (2021). Sociocultural model of moral domain in Mexican adolescents. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, 24(2), 69–79.

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In order to favor the development of adolescence it is essential to foster a moral domain that takes into account the characteristics of culture and family dynamics, since both allow to understand the principles that shape moral judgement. This research aimed to determine whether collectivism, historical-socio-cultural premises and family functioning predict moral domain in Mexican adolescents. For this purpose, a sample of 459 adolescents participated voluntarily in the application of the Moral Domain Scale for Adolescents, an adaptation of the Historical-Social-Cultural Premises Scale, and the Individualism and Collectivism Scale, in public secondary schools or high schools in Mexico City and municipalities of the State of Mexico. Data were analyzed using structural equations modeling. A model was obtained in which collectivism, the traditional norms of Mexican culture and family functioning predict the domain of a prescriptive and restrictive morality in Mexican adolescents. In conclusion, the evidence found shows that an important part of the variations in the moral domain in adolescents is due to cultural and socialization factors in the family environment.



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