How to Cite
Hernandez Montaño, A., & González Tovar, J. . (2022). Explanatory model of self-care, emotional regulation and burnout in psychologists in isolation due to COVID-19. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, 25(2), 90–103.
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The negative effects on the mental health of the world’s population from the 2019 coronavirus pandemic has increased the demand for psychological care services, which is why it is important to study the emotional well-being of this group of professionals. The objective of the study was to analyze the processes of emotional self-regulation and self-care as protective factors against the presence of burnout in a group of Mexican psychologists. To this end, a cross-sectional quantitative design with explanatory scopes was used. An intentional sample of 226 female psychologists who were conducting clinical work was used. Data were collected by means of an electronic format. The Clinical Psychologist Self-Care Conduct Scale (EAP), the Emotional Regulation Questionnaire (ERQ) and the Burnout Maslach Inventory (MBI) were applied. Descriptive statistics were obtained for each of the scales and subscales; Pearson correlation coefficients were estimated, and single and multiple linear regression models were adjusted for the MBI subscales. A path analysis was later adjusted using the GLS method. The results indicated a low level of burnout, demonstrating self-care as a protective factor against emotional exhaustion; personal fulfillment and increased use of emotional suppression, as a self-regulation strategy, and cognitive reevaluation, as a protective factor against depersonalization. The study underlines the importance of encouraging the use of self-care behaviors to have as many psychologists as possible in the best possible conditions to cope with the long-term effects of the pandemic.



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