How to Cite
Porto Noronha, A. P., Ottati, F., Mansão, C., & Cezar, E. (2011). Application of the escala de aconselhamento profissional in university students. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, 14(1), 155–164. Retrieved from

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In the field of Vocational Guidance, it becomes increasingly important that the instruments used in the verification of interests guarantee reliable, accurate evaluations so that they can assist the psychologist in clarifying the motivations and individual needs of the person who is seeking to build a career project. Thus, this study examined the professional interests assessed by the Escala de Aconselhamento Profissional (EAP) in 455 students from different undergraduate courses of private higher education institutions of the state of São Paulo. Results showed that the major interests of Mechatronics and Engineering students were exact sciences, agricultural and environmental sciences. Economics students had higher results in communication and arts, and bureaucratic activities. Architecture excelled by higher averages in the dimensions of communication and arts. In general, there was consistency between the courses and the preferred dimensions.



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