How to Cite
Oliva Mendoza, F. J., Hernández Pozo, M. del R., & Calleja Bello, N. (2010). Validation of the mexican version of the state-trait anger expression inventory (STAXI-2). Acta Colombiana De Psicología, 13(2), 107–117. Retrieved from

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The aim of the study was to determine the psychometric properties of the Mexican version of the State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory (STAXI-2; Miguel-Tobal, Casado, Can-Vindel & Spielberger, 2001). Participants were 865 people, with ages between 12 and 60 years old; 54.9% were men and 45.1%, women. Among them there were students (46.0%), athletes (42.4%) and general population (11.6%). Results showed a similar factorial structure of the state, trait and anger expression / control scales of the Spanish version STAXI-2. However, these were grouped in eight factors rather than the nine subscales that constituted the original instrument. Senior high school students expressed higher levels of anger than college students and athletes expressed more anger than the general population and the students. Internal consistency indexes were acceptable for anger-state, anger-trait and expression-control (a = 0.887, a = 0.860, and a = 0.733, respectively), as well as the percentages for the explained variance (49.51%, 59.31% y 49.44%, respectively). Signifi cant correlations were obtained among the factors, except for the anger-control and anger-expression subscales, that were unrelated to each other. The study concludes that the STAXI-2 inventory is a valid and reliable verbal tool for anger assessment in Mexican population.



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