How to Cite
Hewitt Ramírez, N. (2005). Factores cognoscitivos de los padres, asociados con la co-ocurrencia del consumo de alcohol y el maltrato físico a los hijos. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, (13), 7–34. Retrieved from

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The purpose of this project was to establish the relationship between parental cognitive factors as attributions, beliefs and expectations; and the co-ocurrence of alcohol consumption and child physical abuse. A descriptive correlational research was conducted. Participants were 263 parents (fathers and mothers as well) selected by intentional sample. Age average was 33. 9 mean, their socioeconomic status was 1 to 3 and their educational level was minimum of primary school, their children ages were from 7 to 12. Groups were divided as following: Group 1: Physical child abusers, group 2: Alcohol consumers, group 3: Physical child abuser and alcohol consumers, group 4: None of the previous conditions instruments were designed and validated by the psychometric methodology: 1) cognitive parents factors scale. 2) co-ocurrence alcohol and child abuse scale. A multiple regression analysis was carried on, and an anova post hoc comparison were made as well significant statistical differences were found bettwen different parents groups in the cognitive factors variable. Results showed that parents cognitive factors are related to co-ocurrence of alcohol consumption and child abuse, but expectations an attributions are a more predictable dimension of this phenomena additionally, it was confirmed co-ocurrence cathegories as: Direct, indirect and circular.



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