How to Cite
Flórez Alarcón, L. (2003). Cuestionario de etapas integrado a un programa (CEMA-PEMA) para la modificación del consumo abusivo de alcohol : evaluación de etapas y de variables intermediarias. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, (9), 83–104. Retrieved from

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The purpose of this research was to improve the “Stages Questionnaire to Modify Alcohol Abuse Habits” (CEMA), whose preliminary was submitted in a previous issue of this Journal (Flórez-Alarcón, 2001a). Changes made to the preliminary were: 1) A new classifying step by step questionnaire was tried, which takes into consideration minimum consumption limits; 2) The reasons for drinking and the significance people give to alcohol consumption questionnaire was changed to a cost-benefit evaluation in face of consumption (decitional balance), a temptations and a self-efficacy questionnaire which, on the one hand, evaluates consumption motivations and, on the other, the specific self-efficacy perceived in front of such motivating situations; and, 3) Abuse and willingness to change questionnaires were used again, with the adjustments made to the previous version. The study was of a descriptive transectional type, with a 586 students sample out of several Bogotá universities. In addition to the CEMA, there were used CAGE and CID questionnaires for alcohol dependence risk evaluation. The result was an improved version of the CEMA, with high reliability scales and of easy application, which may be used by integrating it to programs designed to change alcohol abuse habits in university and secondary school students, such as the Step by Step Program to Modify Alcohol Abuse Habits (PEMA).



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