How to Cite
Valdés Cuervo, A. A., Martínez, E. A. C., Wendlandt Amezaga, T. R., & Ramírez Zaragoza, M. (2016). Psychometric properties of a scale to measure shame management in adolescents (MOSS-SAST). Acta Colombiana De Psicología, 19(1), 13–23.

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This paper aimed to establish evidence of validity and reliability of the adapted version of the MOSS-SAST questionnaire (Ahmed, 1999) to measure shame management in adolescents in situations of aggression toward peers. The study was conducted with a sample of 700 students from public secondary schools (N= 700) located in a northwestern state municipality of Mexico. Results enabled to obtain an empirically sustainable measuring model formed by two factors: Acknowledgment and Displacement (X2 = 5.16, p= 0.27; CMIN= 1.29; GFI= .98; CFI= .99; NFI= .97; RMSEA= .05). Evidence was obtained to show that the instrument has criterion validity since it is capable to differentiate between subgroups of students with and without reports of bullying in both factors, Acknowledgment (t= 3.49, gl= 137, p< .001) and Displacement (t= 3.63, gl= 137, p< .001). It was concluded that the results strengthen the original factorial structure of the scale and show the usefulness of the same, both for inquiring about emotions related to moral development and for identifying students involved as aggressors in bullying situations.



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