How to Cite
Arroyo, R., Morales, G., Silva, H., Camacho, I., Canales, C., & Carpio, C. (2008). Functional analysis of prior knowledge : its effects upon reading adjustment. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, 11(2), 55–64. Retrieved from

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This study evaluated the effects of different types of previous contacts with the referents of a text (referential history and effective situational history) on the performance of University students on a reading adjustment test. Five experimental groups differentiated from each other by the type of history elaborated on a training session participated in the study. The types of histories were progressively more complex: Contextual, Supplementary, Selective, Referential Substitutive and NonReferential Substitutive. For subjects in the control group no history was constructed and they were directly administered the reading adjustment test. Results suggest that there is a direct function between the complexity of the contact history and the percentage of total correct responses in the reading adjustment test (except in the group with the most complex history). Results are analysed emphasizing the dispositional functions of different types of history in reading adjustment, as compared with the traditional notion of prior knowledge.



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