How to Cite
Rosa, Torres-Villalobos, G., Gravini-Donado, M., & Dominguez-Lara, S. A. (2023). Measurement invariance of two briefs versions of the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC) in college students from Arequipa. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, 26(1), 95–112.
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Resilience is an individual trait that enables biopsychosocial and spiritual readjustment, helping the psychological well-being and academic performance of university students. The objective of this research was to analyze the measurement invariance by sex of two short versions of the Connor - Davidson Resilience Scale (cd-risc), and to determine if there are differences between men and women. A sample of 491 Arequipa university students (63.5% women), with an average age of 20.56
years-old (sd = 3.18), from a private institution in Arequipa-Peru was evaluated with the cd-risc-10, which includes the cd-risc-7. First, a multi-group factor analysis was carried out with each version to assess the degree of measurement invariance achieved, and then the latent means of resilience between men and women were compared. Regarding the results, the cd-risc-7 presented more favorable structural indicators (e.g., λ > .50; in women: cfi= .981, rmsea= .087, wrmr = 0.683; in men: cfi= .966, rmsea= .124, wrmr= 0.783), than the cd-risc-10 (e.g., λ < .50, fit indices in women: cfi = .974, rmsea = .073,
wrmr = 0.774; in men: cfi = .960, rmsea = .095, wrmr = 0.803), including measurement invariance (strict invariance: Δcfi = .003; δrmsea = .001), and when comparing latent means, significant differences in favor of men were found (d = .471). Finally, the theoretical and methodological implications of the findings are discussed, as well as the need to extend the studies considering other relevant aspects for a better understanding of the resilience construct.



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