How to Cite
López López, W. ., Ossa, J. C. ., Cudina, J. N. ., Aguilar Bustamante, M. C. ., Torres, M. ., Acevedo Triana, C. ., & Salas , G. . (2021). Analysis of production and collaboration networks in doctoral programs in psychology in Colombia. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, 25(1), 151–182.
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The objective of doctoral training is the generation and dissemination of new knowledge; however, it is not clear how doctoral programs in Colombia relate to this type of production. Based on this, this study presents the general panorama of academic production across Colombian higher education institutions that offer doctoral training programs in psychology. The academic production was obtained from the Scopus database in a sample of 13 universities. After this search, 1345 documents were found with which an analysis was made regarding productivity indicators and the collaboration networks within the discipline in the country were identified. Subsequently, this information was contrasted with the national information registered in the Latin American and Caribbean Curriculum Vitae system (CvLAC) of 193 professors associated with the universities offering doctoral programs. As a result, when comparing national and international academic production, a greater correlation is found between the supervision of graduate theses and publication in national journals. In this sense, it is found that the impact of doctoral training on the generation of new knowledge is relative and has a limited scope, being mainly national journals the means of dissemination of this knowledge. It is recommended to evaluate the impact of products associated with postgraduate training and international visibility, with emphasis on indexed journals in international databases.



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