How to Cite
Hewitt Ramírez, N., & Rozo Sánchez, M. (1999). Experiencias de integración socio-escolar de alumnos con síndrome Down. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, (2), 95–106. Retrieved from

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The objective of this research was to propose educational strategies that facilitate the social school integration of students with Down's Syndrome, from the analysis of the experiences that had five handicapped children, 4 to 8 years old, at a preeschool setting. It was a qualitative-etnographic research. The data collection used were a participatory observation, a structured survey and a campus diary. The analysis of results used the following categories: interaction with others, participation in diffe­rent activities, and participation in the educational process. The categories are the product of content analysis methods and constant comparison. The process of trian­gulation used campus diary and observers.The conclusion is that social school inte­gration is a beneficial alternative to individuals with Down's Syndrome that requires a planed process and an active participation of the different educational agents.


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