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Juárez, F., & Contreras, F. (2012). Influence of the perceived quality of life of colombian executives on their leadership practices. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, 15(1), 119–130. Retrieved from

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The influence of the leader’s perceived quality of life, of his/her health habits and socioeconomic characteristics on his/her leadership practices was assessed. All of these dimensions are included in the framework of the quality of life model as an intervention strategy (Juárez, 2000, 2010). The Leadership Practices Inventory (version by Robles, de la Garza, & Medina, 2008), the Quality of Life Questionnaire –WHO (1998, 2004) and the Health Indicators Questionnaire (Jiménez, Martínez, Miró, & Sánchez, 2008) were administered to 60 participants in charge of personnel. Participants were grouped according to their socioeconomic characteristics. The increase in the overall quality of life and perceived health of the quality of life both augmented the transformational leadership practices of Modeling, Inspiring, Defying and Enabling and the transactional leadership practice of Encouraging. An increase in the perceived health of the Health Indicators Questionnaire augmented the transformational leadership practice of Modeling, while the increase in the behavior associated to alcoholic drinks intake reduced the leadership practice of Defying. No other variable was significant. Different theoretical explanations are discussed.



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